Advertising for Good Causes by Non-profits with Google Ads, Work-from-Home Internship

Full-Time Remote / Work-from-Home Position

Rather than the coffee-fetching and file-organizing of a typical internship, Bashpole Software, Inc. interns get hands-on experience in the nonprofit sector by both working with and performing researching related to a wide variety of non-profts from across the United States… and many other potential avenues of contribution based upon your interests and skills.

Your involvement in our advertising work and research can directly help nonprofits around the world better understand their own marketing strategies and the method by which to develop better ones. In helping to build upon existing research to find the best way to share ideas and explore the realm of nonprofit marketing, you can help nonprofits on larger scale than by interning for one nonprofit. Bashpole Software, Inc. enables you to work alongside professionals in the nonprofit field and to join them in the pursuit of truth, knowledge, and how best to help the world make itself a better place.

A Unique and Valuable Experience:

Your name can be on authored projects that have the potential to be published to hundreds of thousands of nonprofit executives. This means a chance to be publicly and professionally recognized for your contributions.

  • We support creating opportunities for leadership. As an intern, you’ll be encouraged to lead projects and goals that suit your interests. This encouragement extends to potential management training. 
  • You will work both collaboratively in a team, and independently, to meet your goals. 

Bashpole supports networking opportunities by helping you to learn how to effectively communicate with executives. Build lasting impressions and have direct interactions with executive directors in a wide range of nonprofit organizations varying by size, location, and mission. 

  • Potentially, this high-powered networking could lead to future employment and business connections with nonprofit professionals long after your internship. 

Our rules-of-thumb (RoT’s) training process is part of Bashpole’s ongoing effort to provide a positive and collaborative environment for all its employees. The RoT’s are the otherwise unwritten rules of professional culture and etiquette straight from an industry professional. We’ve developed a system for expressly teaching these rules and procedures to our employees. 

  • This experience, and the valuable lessons you learn, will be of use to you throughout your whole career. Much of this comes directly from our founder, with whom you’ll work often during the internship experience. 
  • Bashpole’s company culture is a supportive, motivated, and collaborative environment for all levels of employment that isn’t based upon strict workplace hierarchies. With the projects you work on, and the people you regularly work with, you can establish a cooperative and productive relationship with anyone at any place on the corporate ladder. 
  • This isn’t a “busy work” internship. The work Bashpole does, and you’ll be contributing to, affects the nonprofit world and will result in real applicable experience. 

The internship provides the opportunity to assemble work for a portfolio, which can later be used to pursue other opportunities.

  • Need school-credit for the internship? We’re also willing to support applications for scholarships for students participating in an internship. 

About Us:

Bashpole Software, Inc. has been in business since 2006 with the mission to develop technology to better the world. Our services include applied research and development, nonprofit marketing, sponsorship opportunities for businesses, database integration, and communication technologies. Your research will contribute to both our mission to help nonprofits and the nonprofits themselves to better aid their communities. This allows you to have a larger impact than if working with a nonprofit organization alone. 

Bashpole has been funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Initiative (DARPA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and sales of services to nonprofits. For more information please visit and

Preferred Skills to Have or Develop:

  • Write and speak to nonprofit executives
  • Schedule, conduct, and follow-up on interviews as primary research in a prompt and reliable fashion 
  • Deepen a genuine interest in the nonprofit sector and discover better ways that organizations can communicate with the public
  • Work remotely in both a team and individually 
  • Connect with both your coworkers and interview subjects with a positive personality and sense of humor
  • Challenge your own assumptions and think creatively

Internship Parameters:

  • Be generally available for meetings during business hours. 
  • Have flexibility on daily start and stop times 
  • Weekly time commitment and begin and end dates are flexible according to availability

Internship Benefits:

You’ll be trained how to reach and interact with important executives, how to write and manage ad campaigns, how to manage large numbers of parallel efforts efficiently using technology, how to think about best practices in nonprofit communications, how to identify market opportunities, and how to grow one’s network of professional contacts. There may also be opportunities to earn bonuses, but you should think of this as essentially an unpaid internship.


To Apply:

Email with your resume, and describe what causes speak to you. We look forward to having a conversation about our goals and passion to help the world make itself a better place.